Thursday, June 21, 2012

A little bit stronger

I feel a little bit stronger this time around. I'm not sure why, maybe because I'm talking to Tyler daily? Maybe because he's not in a combat zone? Maybe because I have a new kitty to keep me company? Maybe because there's so much to look forward to this summer-- seeing my parents next week, seeing my very best friend in the whole world in July, and going home in August, I don't know. All I know it, I feel stronger. I hope this feeling stays throughout the entire deployment. I am so thankful for both mine and Tyler's family for their unconditional love and support. I don't know what I would do without them! Every time I start feeling down about Tyler being away, I remind myself of what my Grandma Holte went through when my Grandpa was away at war. There was no such thing as Skype, no texting, no calling, and hardly any mail. She sat on her front porch every single day and waited for the mail man to come, hoping for a letter. She's my hero :)

I miss my husband so much.. I really hope this deployment goes by faster :) I can't wait to have him home. Hopefully for a while this time!


Oh how I miss that little guy.. I hope he knows how hard I tried to find him and how much Tyler and I love him. I know it's silly to be this heartbroken over a kitty but, he was the best. He was our first baby.. And we miss him dearly. I pray that a family swooped him up and just decided he's way too precious to give him up. I'll never stop secretly looking for you, buddy. I love you and I hope you come home to meet your little brother, Raider :)