Wednesday, November 21, 2012

There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

I cannot believe I'm so close to seeing the love of my life away.. We're about two weeks away! We haven't been given an official date yet but, I'm hoping for one soon! It's crazy to look back at old pictures of my countdowns and see how much we've already been through. Six months, DONE. It feels like it took forever but, at the same time it feels like it flew by. The days are definitely dragging.. I just cannot wait. I'm so excited, thrilled, nervous, anxious, and READY for my man to be home again. I have missed him so incredibly much.. I just can't wait to see his sweet face and kiss his lips again. I can't wait to hug him and see his smile.. I can't wait to smell him and hear his laugh in PERSON again.. I can't wait to fall asleep by his side and wake up to him again. I can't wait to drive around together and listen to music, I can't wait to make dinner together, I can't wait to cuddle.. I can't wait for everything. That man is my heart and soul and it's TIME :) I have learned so much this deployment.. I've been through a lot and I've worked through a lot of my issues. I have a long ways to go but, I'm very confident that I will have my anxiety under control eventually.

Words cannot describe how excited I am for homecoming.. The entire experience is just incredible. I am so beyond excited, I just can't stand it. I'm so proud of my husband and so happy he's coming home to me :) Only a couple more weeks of being away from you, baby.. I love you. We did it!