Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tonight is the night!

I can't believe it's here.. In just a few hours, I will be on my way to Camp Horno to be reunited with my sweet husband. It has been a long six months but, with the help, love, and support of our families and friends, we got through it. Most importantly, our love was strong enough to get through it. God has definitely tested me this deployment. I'm so to have God in the center of my life. I couldn't have done it without His love. This deployment has brought a lot of loneliness, tears, and heartache but also, a lot of joy, and happiness to know that Tyler and I can get through anything together. He is my world, and I cannot put into words.. How excited, anxious, nervous, thrilled, and THANKFUL I am to have my husband home tonight. I can't wait to pick him out in the crowd of cami's and give him the biggest hug ever. I can't wait to finally kiss him and tell him how much I love and have missed him.. It's going to be so amazing. Ahhh I'm so excited. And honestly, I'm so damn proud of myself. I know I could have probably done better during this deployment strength wise.. But I'm proud of myself for getting through it. I'm so thankful.. so so thankful to know he's going to be next to me tonight. Holding my hand, kissing my lips, hugging me, putting his strong arms around me, laughing with me.. I just can't wait. I am so anxious to get in the car and head to the base.. I'm a nervous WRECK. I've been a hot mess all day. I am so happy to say it's OVER. He's HOME. He is finally in the United States. Thank you all once again for being so loving and supportive. You have no idea how much we appreciate it.. :)