Monday, April 23, 2012

Six months :)

Today is mine and Tyler's six month anniversary! I can't believe how fast time has gone by.. But at the same time, it feels like we've been married for years ;) I love being married, especially to the most amazing husband ever. Marriage is wonderful when you're married to your best friend. We have so much fun together and our love never stops growing.. I can't wait to start a family one day. I just know he's going to be an incredile father!

So, Happy Anniversary Tyler! You are an amazing husband and I love you more than anything! You make me the happiest and proudest woman alive. If I could go back to that beautiful day six months ago, say our vows again, and share our first dance as husband and wife- I would in a heart beat :) I love you!

My heart is whole again

Tyler has been home for a couple of weeks now, and life couldn't get any better. My heart feels whole again, the house feels warm again, and I feel complete again. Homecoming was so amazing..  Alexa and Adrianna stayed the night Saturday night. I was up all night cleaning and making sure the house was absolutely perfect for Tyler. I'm pretty sure I went to bed at 3am. Alexa came in my room at 7am waving her hands all around saying "Alli!! It's today! It's today!" We were soo excited.. We made our coffee, got ready, which took about three hours.. And waited for them to say they had landed in LA. Once we knew they were on their way to base, we were on our way too. That was the most nerve racking drive of my life.. I was so anxious to see him and so nervous. There we all were, sitting under the homecoming tents anxiously waiting for the buses to pull up. I wasn't surprised to see who was waiting for their husbands, the Weapons wives :) My girls. Finally, the buses turned onto the grinder. One by one they started coming off of the bus. I heard, "There's Hargett!" And my heart jumped. "Go get him, girl!" It felt as if everything around us had stopped and only him and I were there. Seeing him for the first time in two months was the best feeling in the world..

The past couple of weeks have been amazing.. I can tell that him and I have grown, matured, and changed in a few ways. We are a much stronger couple now, stronger than ever. We have been having a blast every second we've spent together :)

Unfortunately, he is going out to the field again for a week but once he comes back, we get to go home together! I am so excited. We've never been on a plane together!! And there's nothing better than spending quality time with family and friends.. I can't wait to see everyone.

Life is amazing, and I have a lot to be thankful for. My husband returned home safely to me, we are able to afford a trip home to see our loved ones, we just signed a 12 month lease for our apartment, and we still have a lot of time together before he takes off again. I am so happy and I am so lucky to be his wife.. I am the happiest woman on earth. Thank you Lord, for blessing me with more than I deserve.