Thursday, August 23, 2012

A year ago today.

I can't believe a year ago today, Tyler proposed to me. Time has flown by way too fast.. It seems like yesterday I was taking a vacation down to California to see my long term boyfriend.. I knew we were going to get engaged soon but, I wasn't 100% sure it was going to happen on that trip. We stayed at a friends house on base, and I'm not gonna lie I totally saw myself being a Marine wife the second I got there.. I loved everything about it. I loved the thought of taking care of my husband and loving him for the rest of my life.. Hearing artillary, seeing him in his cami's everyday, making his lunches, spending every moment we could together. I could see it all..

Tyler, myself, and a few of our friends decided to go to the San Onofre beach on Tuesday, August 23rd of last year. I was very anxious and wondered if tonight was the night.. Tyler was in a weird mood, not in a bad way just in a "I have something up my sleeve" type of mood. I love that mood ;) We sat and watched the sun go down and just as the sun was about to leave for the day, Tyler asked me to take a walk with him. I put my arm around him and tried to put my hand in his back pocket but he wouldn't let me. I didn't want to get my hopes up so I just kept walking with him.. We walked.. and walked.. and WALKED.. We could barely see the spot we were at! Tyler started getting very nervous and kept taking deep breathes.. Was he really going to do it? No.. No way. Tyler grabbed my hand and at that moment, the world stopped. He pulled me away from the ocean and got down on one knee.. I barely remember what he said because I was in complete shock but, I do remember him asking if I would "take his hand in marriage" :) And out pulled the most precious ring I have ever seen.. I was so overwhelmed with joy. Of course, I said yes. I had been waiting to answer that question for a while now.. And that was the best three letter word that has ever came out of my mouth.

It was the start to our future, a start to our dream.. to be together forever. Our love is real, it's strong, it's unbreakable, and it's intoxicating. I have never been so happy in my entire life.. And I am so happy to revisit those memories :) I wish Tyler could be here tonight but, he will be home soon and we can celebrate then. I just gotta keep moving through this deployment. I loved today :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


One thing that I cherish in life are my friendships. Now over the years, I have definitely lost a lot of friends but, I have gained as many as I need in my life. The people that I can call my friends, are those that have stuck by my side through hell and high water. I've been through some shit. More than some, less than others. The people that put up with me all those years, forgave me, and loved me no matter what- I will love for the rest of my days. I am so incredibly blessed to have the friends that I have and I will forever support them and be there for them whenever they need me. I hope they know that :)

On this recent trip to Oregon, an old friend came back into my life after years of ups and downs. This girl has been such a blessing in my life, and words can't describe how happy I am to be close again. It shows what a mature woman she is to put aside the past and focus on the present and future. These days, life long friendships are hard to keep but if there's one thing I learned from this trip home, it's that no matter what has happened, no matter how far apart, the friendships I have are going to last.

Love you all.