Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Worst dream ever

It was a warm evening.. My dad and my best friend Juli were visiting me for a couple of days. I'm not sure were my step mom was. We were watching tv and the door bell rang- It was the pizza guy delivering our lazy dinner. We enjoyed each others company for a while and got extremely full. Later on that night, there was a knock on the door. Each knock was like a stab to my heart. I knew who was on the other side of that door and I didn't want to open it, so I asked my dad too. Juli sat on the couch with her hands over her face and I stood back from the door as it slowly opened. My dads face became frozen. I had to look. There was a Marine standing outside with a flag in his hands and Tyler's dog tags. No Chaplin. Just a Marine standing there ready to give me the worst news I could ever receive. My heart stopped. I felt a rush of heat from my head to my toes.. I could hear my heart beat once again in my ears.. I heard nothing the man said. I just knew.. I begged him to tell me what happened but, he wouldn't. He wouldn't tell me what happened to my husband, my everything. How could this happen? I thought he was safe? He promised nothing would happen.. He wasn't in any danger.. WHY. I screamed, and screamed. I collapsed on the floor and begged for answers.. No, not him. This isn't happening. I grabbed my phone and call him but, no answer. I called his friends, no one would tell me what happened. The Marine told me he was sorry, handed me a check, and walked away. Really? This is how it works? I ripped up the check and screamed. I just remember bawling my eyes out and wanting to die.. I wanted to be with Tyler. 

I needed to talk to him.. I needed him to hear me.. There was a pile of rocks that came out of no where. Dark blue rocks and orange rocks.. The dark blue rocks were the parts of Tyler's soul that had already crossed over.. The orange were the parts of him still traveling. I held onto those rocks and told him how much I loved him over and over again..

And then I woke up.
My heart was pounding and I thanked God a million times for letting it just be a dream.. 
A nightmare.. 

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