Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My very good friend Amanda Dooley has been battling the deadly disease, Cystic Fibrosis her entire life. She has been in and out of the hospital more than any of us could even imagine, and she has flirted with death one too many times. No matter what struggle her disease puts her through, she always has a smile on her face and stays so incredibly positive. She is the strongest person I know, and I am so proud of her.
In case you didn't know, Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that is passed down through family members. It attacks the lungs and digestive system. Making it extremely hard to breathe, live a "normal" life. And what I mean by that is, it makes it difficult to do what we all take for granted. Walking with ease, running with ease, swimming with ease, going shopping, being in public without having to worry about the smoker next to us, common colds sending us to the hospital, BREATHING, etc. It makes eating a struggle because people with CF don't produce the enzymes that you and I do to help us digest food. Cystic Fibrosis has no cure as of right now but, with the help of fundraisers, awareness, and prayers, I believe we can find a cure. As for now, to make their lives a little easier.. Patients use treatments such as antibiotics, defibrillators, and more. There is also the option of getting a transplant.. Right now, Amanda is trying to decide whether to start the process of getting on the list or not. So please, send your prayers and your positive thoughts to both Amanda and her family. She needs it now more than ever. I've seen this girl get through a lot in her life and I know in my heart that she can get through this. She's the toughest person I've ever met and I know that no matter what she decides, it's the right decision.
If you would like to learn more about CF and what you can do to help, please visit: http://www.cff.org
And please follow Amanda's blog! The more people that are aware of this disease, the more help they can get. http://realheroesbecomeangels.blogspot.com/

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