Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Almost home.

He's almost home.. I feel like I've been waiting years to see his face again but it's only been a couple of months. The first couple of weeks were really tough.. It felt like time had stopped. I think once the deployment has been going on for a few weeks, you finally start to get used to being on your own again. You start getting used to going to sleep alone, and getting used to the cold bed again. It hurts, but you have to get used to it or you'll drive yourself crazy. The middle seems to fly by, and the end seems to always take the longest- naturally. The middle was great for me! Once Alexa and I started hanging out (non stop) the days flew by. I can't believe March is almost over, the month I was dreading the most is almost over. Support is so important during a deployment, so is staying busy. My job keeps me busy half the week, and Alexa and Adrianna keep me busy the other half. I love it! I love them both, dearly. They're almost home.. Alexa and I have our outfits ready, our signs made, and are now just waiting for that email. I cannot wait to find out the day he comes home.. I can't wait for the sleepless night before, I can't wait to get ready to pick him up, hop in the car, and go get him. I can't wait to spot him in the crowd and feel the world stop around me. I can't wait to be in his loving arms once again.. I can't wait to have him home. Although I am dreading the day I have to say goodbye once again, I'm trying to keep that in the very, very back of my mind. We have limited time together, and I don't want to even think about the next deployment. Ugh, I'm not even going to talk about it anymore. I can't wait to have my love home again.. I miss making him breakfast, lunch, and making dinner together. I miss our movie nights, I miss cuddling for hours.. I love hanging out in the hot tub, I love our talks, and I love sleeping next to him. I am so excited to have my sweet husband home.. I feel so incredibly blessed to have him.

I love you, Tyler.

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