Thursday, March 29, 2012

Days like today.

Days like today, I just want to crawl into my bed and never come out. I'm so sick of the selfish people that live around me. I think the biggest thing that set me off was two guys in a fancy dancy convertible with the top down of course, making fun of the truck in front of them covered in Marine Corps stickers, and a sticker that said, "If you love your freedom do your part, thank an American Veteran." What runs through these people's minds? I just want to know what happened to them that made them so arrogant so I can tell them to get over themselves. Days like today, I just want to punch a hole in my wall. I can't stand how disrespectful people are. Not everyone down here is rude, but let's just say I can't smile at someone or say hi without getting glared at or even flipped off. God forbid you ever turn your blinker on either..

Days like today, I just want my family. I want my husband. I want to be surrounded by people that love me as selfish as that sounds. I know Tyler's probably feeling the same way times a million.. But I can't stand it. I just want to be with him. I want to be around him. I feel like he's just gone..

Days like today, I want to go up to each and every person that has, is, or will be serving for this country and just say, "Thank you." Days like today, I just want to leave. I want to go back to the place that is full of GENUINE people. Kind hearted, sweet, respectful people. People that don't have to wear heels to the grocery store, people that can enjoy camping without electricity.. People that know their neighbors and care about them. That's the place I want to raise my family. If I can't, I will make the best of what I have. I have a lot, I am truly blessed and I couldn't be more thankful to live in such a BEAUTIFUL place but.. The negative people that live in it really get on my nerves. I wouldn't trade my life for the world. I am so happy down here, and I'm so happy to be Tyler's wife. I'm so happy that I'm the woman waiting for him. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and I love him more than anything..

Ahh.. I feel better now. Sometimes I just need to get it off my chest. I keep my mouth shut all the time about this issue.. And it feels good to let it out.

Time to do nothing.. in my adorable apartment.

Please excuse any typing or spelling errors. I was furious ;)

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