Saturday, March 10, 2012


About a week or so ago I posted a status about my bitterness towards how much is said about celebrities in the media, but not enough about true heroes or something along those lines.. I came off very arrogant and said that I shook my head every time I heard some celebrity be referred to as a hero. I didn't mean that entirely.. It makes me sick when celebrities receive a flag at half mast after they die, and not enough military members do after they lose their lives for this country. I believe that some celebrities are in fact heroes, and a ton of every day people are as well. I was just being bitter about not seeing enough about those risking their lives for millions and millions of people.. But our country couldn't handle it if they really knew how many people died every day for this country. Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up because I felt bad about it. Every one has a different view on the word "hero". And I didn't mean to come off as if ONLY people in the military are heroes. Not true at all.

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