Saturday, February 25, 2012


One of my close girlfriends told me tonight that while she was walking to her car after work, these grown men were harassing her about the Marine Corps magnet on her car. "Do you know what the military does? Your husband is a baby killer, a rapist, and you should be ashamed." One of them yelled. She held her head high and said, "Do you know what the military does? I'm ashamed of people like you. My husband is missing his wife, and missing his daughter grow up so that people like you can do exactly what you're doing right now." She got into her car and tried to back up but the guys wouldn't leave. They stood behind her car and wouldn't let her back up.. They ripped off her magnet, crumpled it up, and threw it on the ground. She is now being walked to her car each day after work.

It's things like this that make my blood boil. Of course they do something like this while her husband is overseas fighting for THEM. I couldn't believe it. I know this kind of stuff happens but, really? I have had a magnet removed from my car, but I've never seen it happen. I've never been harassed like that. I can only imagine the anger she felt. The same anger I feel when people don't stand quietly, remove their hats, and stand with their hand over their heart during the National Anthem. The same anger I feel when I hear about people protesting at Military funerals. It's the same anger I feel when I see Veterans unnoticed. It's the same anger I feel when people don't recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It makes me sick.. There have been a number of times when I can't take it.. I can't help but turn around and say, "Can you really not be silent for 30 seconds to show some respect for this country and those that fight for it?" I can't help it.

It hurts me when people say that the entire military is bad.. That all of them are killing machines, rapers, etc. Yes, there are some people in the military that do horrible things. But does that mean the entire military should be given a bad name for it? No. Just like our country. Do you know how many murderers and rapists there are in our CITY? You'd be surprised.. I bet half of you don't realize that if my husband didn't do what he did, if her husband didn't do what he did, if the Few and the Proud didn't do what they do, along with the other troops, YOUR husband would be drafted. Your brother, your father, your cousin. The men in your life. Do these people not understand that? They would lose their mind if they had to join the military.

I can't even begin to explain how proud I am of her for sticking up for herself the best she could, and was classy about it. I hope those guys can't sleep at night. I am so proud of my husband for everything that he does.. Whether you believe me or not, he is protecting YOU. And you should be grateful for that. My heart is overwhelmed with pride, being married to that man is such a blessing and being able to support him for what he does is the best job in the world.

I'm done venting.

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