Monday, February 20, 2012

Another apology

I wanted to write a separate post to apologize to all of the people I've hurt in my past. I have disappointed my family, and obviously hurt Tyler in the past, but I want to also say I'm sorry to all of my friends from back home that I have hurt. I know I used to cause a lot of drama, and I was shady to a lot of people. Like I said before, I'm not proud for any of the mistakes I've made, and I'm very thankful that I've changed. I hope that maybe one day I could reconnect with those people, but we all grow and change. Some people stay friends for a very long time, some grow apart, and I'm at peace with that. But to every person I have lied to, was mean to, stabbed in the back, whatever it may be- I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I was a very confused, naive, immature person in high school and although I have a lot of amazing memories with many people, I also made a lot of bad mistakes.

I apologize and I hope you all can see me for the person I am today. If not, I understand and I'm at peace with everything. I hope you can be too.

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