Saturday, February 25, 2012


After watching the news today about what is going on in Afghanistan, I will make sure God knows how thankful I am that Tyler isn't over there right now. Even though it's hard having Tyler so far away right now, I'm so glad he isn't in danger. All of us need to keep that in mind.. They're going on a MEU. They don't have to go to combat for at least nine months, and we should all we really thankful for that. Who knows what the future holds with these wars, but for now I'm okay with Tyler being on a MEU in a few months. I am thankful that Tyler will be here for the next two years when he comes home from the MEU.. I know that could change, but I'm staying hopeful. My heart goes out to all the families whose husbands and daddy's are over there right now.. I am praying for all of them and if there's anything I can do please let me know. Stay strong ladies.. I know it's hard.

Once again, I am so incredibly proud of my husband and I miss him dearly.

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