Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Heard from my husband!

I am on cloud nine right now.

This morning I woke up to many posts from all the girls saying that they heard from their man! Of course, I was extremely happy for them but deep down, I was sad that I haven't heard from mine. But, before I knew it, I heard the phone ring after I had gotten out of the shower! Boy did my heart jump. I literally asked myself in my head, "I wonder if that's Tyler!" Seeing his picture pop up on my phonee, and hearing him say "Hi baby!" was the most exciting feeling in the world. We only got to talk for a few minutes, but a few minutes is always better than no minutes! Tyler didn't get sea sick, and I am so glad to hear that. He said he can see Hawaii right now, and they'll be there shortly. He had to go to a class and said he'd call me afterward. I am soo excited to hear his voice again.. I needed that phone call. I needed to hear his voice. I'm not trying to sound selfish, but I really really needed to hear his voice. Those few short minutes talking to him gave me so much strength. He sounded so good.. He sounded excited to hear my voice too.. He sounded happy. I cannot believe I just talked to him. I can't believe he's going to be in HAWAII! Little stinker!

Can't wait to hear his voice again! I miss him more than anything.

For you ladies who haven't heard from your boyfriend, fiance, or husband- I promise they are going to call soon! Don't give up hope. Just remember that they're missing us just as much as we're missing them.. :)

Please continue to pray for 2/1! Thank you so much.

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