Monday, February 20, 2012

Missing my family

The one and only thing I miss about Gladstone is my family. I miss my dad so much.. My dad and I are so incredibly close and I miss seeing him everyday. I miss my brother, my step mom, my step siblings, my grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins.. I miss my best friend. I miss my in laws. I miss going over to my mother in law's and watching re runs with a bowl of very seasoned popcorn on our laps :) I miss babysitting my sweet nieces.. I miss hearing Mady say "Alli Holte! Alli Holte!" Even though I wasn't Alli Holte anymore.. I miss the twins so much. I miss Aly and Noah, and I miss sweet baby J. I miss hearing him call me "Sissy!" I miss the pep talks we had right before I put him down for a nap.. He'd always look up and me and say "Yup." I miss making him laugh his little buns off. I miss having long talk with my aunt about my grandpa.. I love hearing stories about him. He sounded like an amazing man.. I know where my dad gets it from.

Even though I miss my family, I am very happy down here. I'm so thankful to have moved to California. I needed to get out of that town, and I needed to be with my husband. I love my job, I love my apartment, and I love being so close to the beach. If I could stay on the beach all day, I would. I love the small town feeling of San Clemente, but it's way different from Gladstone. And I LOVE it.

I'm so excited for my dad and step mom to visit this summer.. There are so many places that I just can't wait to take them too! I'm also excited for my best friend in the world to come visit too. I miss her so much.. I miss being able to go over to her house anytime day or night, and just hangout. It didn't matter what we were doing, we always had fun together. I miss our talks.. I miss giving and recieving advice. I miss our constant Dutch runs and worrying if we were going to get a bladder infection haha. I miss visiting her at work and planning on what we were going to do later! I miss our stupid voices and sounds. She's such a goof ball. I'm so glad her and I are still as close as we've ever been. I know for a fact that her and I are going to be friends for the rest of our lives!

I'm so excited for Tyler and I to visit this summer!

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