Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It never gets old..

Tyler has called me a few times today, each time feels like the first. Each time I see his face pop up on my phone, I almost start to cry. I miss him so much, I miss him being home, and my heart misses him. Since I can't have him home, all I want to do is be in our apartment. As weird as this may sound to some of you, I kind of feel like he's there. I feel him there. I know that sounds kind of creepy, but I thikn it's because he's all over the place in there.. So many memories we've made in the last few months are all over that apartment. So many pictures, so many notes, his clothes. Even though he's only in Hawaii and soon across the world.. He's still gone. He's not here, he's not here with me and that makes me feel empty. But hanging out in our apartment even if I'm all by myself, I love it. It's OUR HOME. As much as I love working, I get so excited to leave just so I can go sit on the couch he was sitting on a week ago. Gosh, I sound crazy! Haha :)

Each phone call like I said, feels like the first one I got earlier today. I love hearing his voice.. I love hearing how happy he sounds. He is so happy to be on land! I can't imagine being on the water for a week! And they haven't even made it to Korea! He's hanging out with his buddies now, enjoying Hawaii with the short time they have there. I'm so excited for him! He's going to have been around the world and back by the time he gets home! I want to get a globe for him and have him mark all the places he's been too.. I can't wait for him to call me again. Even though I just got off the phone with him a few minutes ago, I CANNOT wait to talk to him again.. He sounds so good. It never gets old. I would stay on the phone with him for hours if I could..

I love you sweetheart.. I am so proud of you. You are an amazing person and you are my number one hero. I cannot wait to have you home..

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