Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Beginning

I decided to start blogging because I think it's going to help me deal with the everyday goods and bads of being a wife to a man in the Marine Corps :) I also want to address my past and get it all out there. I think overall, this is going to be very therapeutic for me!

Alright, now where on earth do I want to begin.. I'll start with the first day I met my now husband- Tyler.

I believe it was my junior year and I was getting ready for the Gladstone homecoming football game. I couldn't wait to get there and hangout with my old girlfriends! My boyfriend was away at college, so he didn't go with me. Anyway, I got to the game and it was packed as usual! I don't even remember who we were playing haha. My friends and I were all talking in a circle and I happened to see this guy standing to the right of me in a uniform.. I had never seen the guy in my life and was curious as to why he was there and what kind of uniform that was. A few minutes later, my old friend was talking about "Tyler Hargett" that's all I heard after that, "Tyler" this, "Tyler" that, and I thought who is this Tyler character?! Everyone was surrounding him. The boys were shaking his hand, the girls were drooling. I definitely had my eye on him for a while.. All of the sudden, I felt I just HAD to go up to him and introduce myself.. And I did! I walked right up to  him. "HI! I'm Alli Holte!" He shook my hand and said, "Hello miss, I'm Tyler." I asked him why he was wearing that uniform and he told me he had just graduated from bootcamp, he was a Marine. A Marine, huh? I sure thought that was cool :) My other old friend's dad who was a Marine, walked up to Tyler and said "Semper Fi, brother." I could tell that they had a connection, a connection that none of us could ever understand. Tyler and I continued talking, about what I have no idea.. I was too giddy to even remember. I asked Tyler if he wanted to take a picture with me.. I know, right? Who walks up to a complete stranger and asks to take a picture with them? For some reason, I felt like I needed to document this moment. I didn't know when, and I didn't know how, but I knew in my heart that this man was going to be a huge part of my life. I can honestly say that this was love at first sight.. The few minutes that I shared with Tyler were incredible. When he put his arm around me for the picture, the world stopped around me.. I had never felt so comfortable, safe, and so happy in my entire life.. we then exchanged numbers and enjoyed the rest of the game. Me with my old friends, and him with his. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him for the rest of the game.. What was I thinking? I had a boyfriend! I didn't care.. I was so interested in Tyler. I wanted to just sit down with him and talk for hours and hours.. I wanted to get to know him so badly.

After the football game, I texted Tyler and told him it was nice meeting him. He always called me miss.. Always. Every text. I loved it.. He was so respectful. He respected ME. We texted here and there but nothing really more.. I told my boyfriend that I wanted to get to know him and "ask him about the Marines" haha lies! I just wanted to hangout with him. Months passed by and I didn't hear much from him. I started taking a Health Occupations class which I loved! A few of my old friends were in that class. My friend told me that Tyler was coming home to visit her.. At this point, Tyler and I weren't talking at all. Him and her were dating and I was happy for them. She asked me if I wanted to go to Dutch with her and our mutual friend and go see Tyler. I was so excited! Of course I wanted too! He seemed like a great guy. Anyway, we got Dutch and went over to his house. His mom answered the door, she seemed like the biggest sweetheart! She looked soo happy to have all these visitors coming to see her son.. But most of all, I could tell she was happy to have her son home. I could see the love in her eyes. We sat on the couch and waited for Tyler to come out.. He was taking the longest shower ever! I knew Marines were clean cut but holy crap! We were literally waiting there for like 30 minutes. He finally came out.. He was wearing light blue jeans, a black shirt, and a black jacket with white tennis shoes. We hung out there for a while, took some pictures, and left. I had so much fun just getting to know him a little more..

Tyler and I started texting again. This time, I sincerely wanted to just get to know him. He told me I should come over again before he leaves and that he really wants to see me. I was a little confused by this.. I went over there. I knew exactly what I was doing. I couldn't stop thinking about Tyler, I couldn't stop wanting to get to know him, wanting to just be around him. I wanted him in my life so badly.. This was no excuse to be a shady friend and girlfriend. I couldn't help my feelings.. He asked if I wanted to watch a movie and I said yes. We picked out Armaggedon haha.We laid there and watched the movie silently.. me giggling here and there. I couldn't take it anymore. Just being that close to him gave me the most amazing feeling in the world.. I turned on my side and laid on his chest. He put his arm around me and I could feel his heart racing. Mine was too.. Of course, at this moment the song "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" came on and we both looked at each other and smiled.. I fell in love with him, and I fell fast. I knew at this moment that we had something so special and so real. We said goodbye after the movie and I went home. I couldn't stop thinking about him.. All I wanted was to be next to him. He made me feel so happy. He made me feel calm, loved, and comfortable. He told me that day that he wanted to be with me.

Tyler flew back to California and began calling me almost everyday and texting me constantly.. I knew I couldn't keep this going without ending things with my boyfriend and making sure he told he was dating the truth. He told me that he told he took care of it and that he wanted to be with me. I believed him. I had been getting treated like shit for the last three years and I was done with it and I wanted to be with Tyler so badly.. Tyler showed me that there was better out there.. He showed me that I could be loved and that I deserved better. I had never fell so hard for someone before in my life.. He's incredible. He's the sweetest, most kind hearted, loving man I've ever met. I had to have him.. I was crazy about him.. I kept telling him that I didn't know what to do.. I asked him what he would do if I told him I was going to break up with my boyfriend for him. He said, "I would tell you I love you Alli." That was it for me. I was done. I called my boyfriend, ended things, and told Tyler I was all his. I was finally so happy. I found out a couple of years ago that after that call, he called his mom and told her that he was in love with me and that I was the one.. :)

Tyler and I started dating soon after, and I became the luckiest woman on the face of the earth.

Finally, Tyler told me he was coming home for a visit. I asked his mom if I could come with her to pick him up at the airport and she said yes! I had so many butterflies in my stomach.. More than I've ever had before! He only gave me those butterflies. We got to the airport and waited, and waited, and waited.. finally I saw him carrying his big black backpack. I walked as fast as I could up to him and he gave me the biggest hug in the world! I was complete.. We went back to his house and sat on the couch for a few minutes.. He asked me if he could have a kiss!!! :) I will never, ever forget the first time we kissed. It was absolutely amazing.. I thought my heart was going to explode out of my chest. Whenever Tyler came home, we spent every waking moment together.. I would stay there as long as possible because I wasn't allowed to stay over. (even though I did a few times.. shhh!) Being with him was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt.. He was so good to me. He showed me the true meaning of love, he respected me, and he never failed to put the biggest smile on my face. We were stuck like glue.. we were absolutely crazy about each other. How in the hell did I get so lucky..

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